Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It's an insurgency!

It's all about God's love. We all know
God is real. We're witnesses.

Megachurch Simulcasts Call For Conservative Supreme Court Nominee

One tells another, who tells a friend, who tells a family member, and so on and so on.

And now it's time to take it to the next level in our church. We've
all written down the names of all the people we've witnessed to.

They're our friends, our family members and coworkers and students.

Everyone taking the names with them to a special all church prayer
meeting tonight. That's both the main fellowship and our satellite
church as well.

It's like we're turning a corner as a church. The usual cliches like
"revival" somehow don't seem to fit. Who knows what's going to happen,
but going to be great!

Bit by bit, person to person lives are going to be changed.

It's an insurgency!
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