Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Birthday

It's time to take time out from promoting my humble little
blog to commemorate my birthday. Not the birth of my
spirit/soul container (10\05\56) I'm talking about the
day I was born again. (Aka "Born from above)

On June 25 1974 I received Christ as my Savior
and Lord along with a bunch of other kids at
the big Campus Life end of the school year
retreat down in Ocean City NJ.

Ever since then I've hated sin and have chased
after The Holy Spirit where ever He leads.

Granted it hasn't been a straight path as there
have been a few U-turns and golden calves
to be ground up along the way but
somehow or other God keeps working it to the

Praise His Holy Name Forever!

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1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!
    THanks for visiting Gold in the CLouds...yes, it's from Mansion Builder by Annie Herring....have loved them since MY spiritual birthday July 12, 1975 when I was 15 at a church camp.
    Awesome that you attend Grace North....we have been at GFlatham (live in this area) for 4 years now and LOVE it...God is good! Deb's blog is great, too!
    Enjoy the day.....
