Image via Wikipedia
Time to close up shop here and move to an easier location.Besides, you know you're off to a bad start when there's an unfix-able spelling error in your URL!
See you there!
Image via Wikipedia
Time to close up shop here and move to an easier location.Image via Wikipedia
You may have heard of the big best seller by Pastor Tim Keller called "Prodigal God" It's based on the beloved well known parable by Jesus usually called "The Prodigal Son." Pastor Keller explains the parable is really all about The extravagant Father who like God is constantly pouring His love on His children."Here I am stuck at church! Always the last one to leave. (NOT true, it just seems that way)
When are they going to appreciate what I do?!
Whine whine mutter mutter mutter!"
"You have always been with me and everything I have is yours!"
Image by krisdecurtis via Flickr
Hey people!