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Time to close up shop here and move to an easier location.Besides, you know you're off to a bad start when there's an unfix-able spelling error in your URL!
See you there!
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Time to close up shop here and move to an easier location.Image via Wikipedia
You may have heard of the big best seller by Pastor Tim Keller called "Prodigal God" It's based on the beloved well known parable by Jesus usually called "The Prodigal Son." Pastor Keller explains the parable is really all about The extravagant Father who like God is constantly pouring His love on His children."Here I am stuck at church! Always the last one to leave. (NOT true, it just seems that way)
When are they going to appreciate what I do?!
Whine whine mutter mutter mutter!"
"You have always been with me and everything I have is yours!"
Image by krisdecurtis via Flickr
Hey people!Image via Wikipedia
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Recently our pastor at Grace Fellowship reminded us thatI'm reading the book by The Duggar family. They have a reality show by the same name, "18 kids and counting."
My first reaction to their show was to imagine wives all over the country turning to their husbands and saying,
"Don't even think about it cowboy! You did not marry a baby factory!"
Then I tried to picture how a liberal might feel about the show. I'm guessing they hate it. It's not so much that Michelle has over 15 children, that makes them upset. It's that all her children have the same father! Not only that, but when Michelle first got pregnant she was already married to her husband Jim Bob.
How unbelievable is that!
But seriously folks even though my wife and I have the same core beliefs as The Duggars we wound up with opposite results. They have over fifteen children of their own, we have two, both adopted. And we wouldn't have it any other way.
Once we realized the route we were supposed to take The Lord blessed us every step of the way. When a decision had to be made when a need had to be met, He was there with the answer.
The real shock came after both adoptions were finalized. All at once both countries we adopted from totally changed their adoption requirements. Had we waited any longer it would have impossible to adopt the way we did.
You see, keeping up with the Duggars isn't like keeping up with the Jones-es, or any other family for that matter. It's all about keeping up with The Lord. Follow Him, and that's where you'll find true fulfillment.
And even though we have a much smaller family, we're still getting allot out of their book anyway. ;-)
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To call our latest vacation, "Blessed" is not to try and sound spiritual. It's because we really were blessed down at the Jersey shore.